"Plant a Tree"
Every Roll Sold Plants 1 Tree
We rely on nature for the ecosystem services it provides,
which is why we’ve decided to be partners in
Veritree’s 10 million tree challenge.
In partnership with Veritree,
we are working towards a sustainable future by restoring critical landscapes
which help the planet thrive.
Veritree and their planting partners work around the world
to ensure restorative impacts are meaningful, uniquely claimed,
and perform as intended.
Canada and the U.S.
was been devastated by wildfires.
The series of wildfires blazed through over millions of hectares of land. The fire reached heights and temperatures intense enough to kill the forest and scarring the soil.
Local wildlife’s habitat and food sources were heavily affected, and Indigenous communities also lost their traditional hunting range
and food sources.
We are restoring these areas
through reforestation. A variety of species will be planted, including Douglas-fir, Lodge pole pine, Ponderosa pine, Hybrid spruce, and Western larch.
With your support,
we will help to restore the soil,
damaged from burn scars and erosion.
The damaged ecosystems will be given
a new chance to thrive.
The goal of this project is to
establish a forest through
assisted natural regeneration.
It is estimated that it will take approximately 13 million trees and years of hard work.
With this hard work, the local communities will be able to rebuild their livelihoods
and their futures.
We're continuing the restoration work
by planting more mangroves
across Madagascar.
These vital trees continue to provide critical habitats for marine life,
as well removing carbon
and protecting coastlines.